Mīļie klienti, no 1.jūlija mēs dodamies atvaļinājumā un nestrādāsim līdz 5.augustam. Pasūtījumi, kas tiks veikti laikā no 26.jūnija līdz 9. augustam,tiks izpildīti līdz 16. augustam.! Jauku vasaru! Jūsu Berga foto!
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Photographing in schools and kindergartens

We have been providing excellent quality photography services to schools and kindergartens for over 10 years. During this time we have learned ways of realising new ideas with respect to tradition to please the various tastes of our customers and keep the charm of these photographs for many years to come.

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Graduation albums

A graduation album is one of the things that help us keep the memory of this special event. Many educational institutions in Latvia choose our graduation albums because of the wide variety, high quality and our high sense of responsibility.

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Graduation albums

A graduation album is one of the things that help us keep the memory of this special event. Many educational institutions in Latvia choose our graduation albums because of the wide variety, high quality and our high sense of responsibility.

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Have you ever found yourself in the situation when you want to give someone a special, sweet and unique gift but it seems that everything has been done already? All is possible if you have a beautiful photograph lying around.

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10.00 - 17.00





Bikernieku street 15/1
Riga, LV-1039, Latvia

67523344, 26517513 (10:00-17:00)


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